Radiotherapy Access Challenge

Closing the Gap: Addressing the Global Radiotherapy Access Challenge

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Directory of Radiotherapy Centres – renowned as ‘the world’s authoritative source of information on radiotherapy centres’ – is known to encompass around 90% of the world’s existing radiotherapy facilities. 1 Latest figures from the directory show that the global population is serviced by at least 7,600 radiotherapy centres which,…

eBeam4Therapy Newsletter

Newsletter #2: AI & Radiotherapy, our Webinar, and Latest Engagements

We commence this edition of the eBeam4therapy newsletter by retrospectively examining the research project’s inaugural webinar, held on 28th June. This online gathering offered participants an overview of the historical evolution and present advancements in research concerning the application of laser plasma accelerator technology as a dependable source of electrons at megavoltage energies. Furthermore, the…

Victor Malka introduces EB4T to Nepalese audiences

Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Victor Malka introduced the eBeam4Therapy project to Nepal’s scientific community thanks to his participation in the ‘Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology’ (FPPT) conference as well as an appearance on ‘Good Morning Nepal’. Held from 13th to 17th March in the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu, the 10th edition of FPPT was…

Newsletter #1: Into The Future

– The Future of Cancer Therapy – In this first issue of the eBeam4Therapy newsletter, we start by looking at how cancer research and treatment is expected to advance in 2023. Then, we have a look into the near future of radiation oncology, with some insights from Prof. Dr. Michael Baumann, the Chairman and Scientific…